Skyward Student/Family Access
What is Skyward Family/Student Access
Skyward Family/Student Access is a free service and is available to all parents and guardians of students enrolled in the Galveston Independent School District. Skyward Family/Student Access is a secure internet-based website allowing parents and guardians easy access in tracking their student's progress. This service will continue to allow viewing of student's attendance, assignments, grades, and schedule.
Login Information
For assistance with your login name or password, contact your student's campus Family Access Coordinator. Login names and passwords are automatically generated by the Skyward system at time of enrollment. Contact your student's campus Family Access Coordinator to receive your Family Access account information. Your name, your student's name and campus will be required to locate your account.
Password & Email Options
Parents/Guardians have the ability to change their password and email address once logged into Family/Student Access via "My Account" located in the upper right corner of the screen.
All other changes must be coordinated with the campus registrar.
Family/Student Access Assistance
If there is an issue with your student's demographic information, please contact your campus registrar directly.
Demographic information includes but is not limited to: address and phone numbers, emergency contacts, guardians, and misspelled names.