Newcomer Information
High School Newcomer Center at AIM
Galveston ISD provides an intensive language and academic program for high-school-age newcomers who are in their first year in school in the United States. The program is housed at the Alamo building under the AIM College and Career Prep School. Typical enrollment at the Newcomer Center ranges between 20-25 ninth graders each year.
Students receive specialized and differentiated instruction that is targeted for their language, social emotional, and academic needs. A culturally responsive curriculum is utilized and teachers receive intensive coaching and professional learning opportunities that improve their capacity to serve students in a safe and welcoming learning environment.
Students at the Newcomer Center take some face to face courses with ESL certified teachers, but have the opportunity to earn high school credits online via Edgenuity Courseware too. They also participate in Teen Leadership courses that help them adapt to a new school system and societal culture. Students are prepared at the Newcomer Center for the academic and social rigors of the general education courses they will face their second year in U.S. schools so that they can seamlessly integrate into and experience success in the diverse secondary programs the district offers.